Firefighters rescued a horse, that fell into a six-foot truck-washing pit.

Video. Australia: Firefighters rescue horse from pit in an industrial estate

Firefighters said they were “saddled with the responsibility” of rescuing a horse which found itself in a 'night-mare' situation in Sydney, Australia, on June 20.

Firefighters said they were “saddled with the responsibility” of rescuing a horse which found itself in a 'night-mare' situation in Sydney, Australia, on June 20.

Shortly before 8 am, the animal fell into a 1m80-deep truck washing pit in a small industrial estate. The rescue team was assisted by a 'neigh-bourhood' vet and trainers, as they worked out a plan to free it.

In a Facebook post, the rescue team explained how they built a ramp using material carried in their specialist vehicles. The horse is now in a stable condition.


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